Sunday, February 1, 2009

Potbelly Pigs in the Winter

Potbelly pigs do not enjoy the winter months. Some potbellies can become very depressed. They sleep a lot more in the winter. Potbelly Pigs can become very bored also. They are used to going out in the yard and lay in the sun and graze.
So if you have Potbelly Pig Pets indoors you may want to find some activities for them to do. Potbelly Pigs love to play.
Sometimes in the winter I have problems with one of my potbellies getting constipated. This is because she is not grazing.
If you have this problem here are a few suggestions- Add one tablespoon of vegetable oil or mineral oil to their food once a day.
Also, make sure your potbelly is drinking plenty of water. You can mix their food with lots of water,they seem to do pretty well with it.
Just make sure your potbelly pig gets plenty of excercise in the colder months, and you should have a happy,healthy piggie!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Potbelly Pig Facts

Is it true when people say- " This Potbelly Pig will only get to be around 25lbs." ? The answer is NO!! Potbellies can grow to be the size of a full grown farm hog.

To Learn more about my potbelly pigs visit- Potbelly Pig Pets

Are Potbellies smart?- Yes. Potbelly pigs are highly intelligent. It only took me two days to housebreak my pigs. You can teach your potbelly pig to sit and do many other tricks.

How do I know if my pig is sick?- The major sign of a sick potbelly is your pig will not eat. Potbellies love to eat, so if your pig is refusing food then something is wrong and you should really contact your vet.

Do Pot belly Pigs shed?-Yes. Your potbelly will lose a lot of its hair in the summer and it will grow back in the winter. Very simular to a dog.

Monday, January 5, 2009

How to Feed Your Potbelly Pig

Feeding yourPot Belly is the most important information you need. This is where most people go wrong. Potbellies can become very obese and that can happen very fast. Your potbelly should only be fed potbelly pig food or mini pig food. You can also feed them a small amount of fresh veggies like, lettuce,carrots,celery,cucumbers and brocoli.

Adult pot belly pigs should only get about 2/3 of a cup a day. Plus some veggies. Potbellies also need grass to graze in the summer. They need lots of fresh water at all times. This is very important. Some potbelly pigs will not drink enough. If this is the case you can add water to their pig food. They seem to do fine with it.